Tuesday, March 13, 2012

February - March News POST #2

POPBox Hockey News!

- 03/09/2012 - Continued work on setting up the shop space to build our popbox hockey boards! Got the extensions for the radial arm cleaned off, now just need to shorten them to the radial arm saw table height.  You can really pile up a bunch of un-needed stuff if you don't stay on top of it! Pictures coming!

- 03/11/2012 - On the lookout for a new sander.  Current one does the job but when trying to smooth out some of this reclaimed wood imperfections on the game board itself (the backs are typically left as is to show the "used" or "reclaimed" state it was in if possible) the sander can be tedious at getting the job done.  Recommendation from friends is a belt sander would be too much... 

- 03/12/2012 - Put out a couple offers on some 1" by X" reclaimed attic wood and reclaimed barn floor wood.  Sure hope one of the two comes through as we are getting low on the side pieces.  We do purchase the contractor cast off wood at our local housing / hardware store but it is just not the same as getting reclaimed old wood!

- 03/13/2012 - Picked up an old solid oak living room table this am that was offered for free or was to be thrown if no one took it.  Its 1" thick solid oak which is thicker that we normally use because of the weight factor.  The edges are banged up pretty good but otherwise the table top is in good shape.  It was 48" by 48" and we could have gotten two full size boards out of it BUT because of the weight and banged up edges we are going to trim it down and make probably 5 - 7 mini's! Funny to think we are reusing a table, this is our first endeavor in reusing a piece of furniture!

- Thanks!

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