Thursday, July 5, 2012

Project Corn Hole (ACA Certified YES!), Washers (3 Hole yes sir) and Kubb (Swedish, really, it is) UNDERWAY!

Hey Y'all!!

Got the Corn Hole boards started tonight.  If you remember we purchased the materials for them a couple weeks ago but had not started until tonight, busy with life (herin' known as BWL) and it is REALLY hot here in MN!  Tough to use a radial arm saw and a Miter saw in 99 degrees!    Anyways... got the boards under 2x4s cut, 72 cuts in all! Had a plastic target bag completely full of saw dust when we were done!   Next up is getting the legs cut and formed (NOTE: One end of the legs will need to be rounded to allow them to fold in to the corn hole board underside) and then mount setup and tested.   The board tops need the 6" hole cut and then its on to the last part of staining and spar varnishing.

Ill grab some pictures before we start the next step and then after and update with pictures of the process.

Going to go to the local hardware store and look for supplies to make the washer boards (pvc, outdoor carpet).  Those are on the docket and will be started after the corn hole boards are stained, assembled, and first coat of spar is on (using spar because it is made for use in the sun, poly is a big no - no in the sun ~ See bad yellowing!).

Lastly we are going to make a Kubb set after playing my good friends.  Way cool Swedish outdoor game where you get to throw things to make things fall down! :)  Once the first set is made (We are dreading the cutting from 4x4 to 3x3 of the posts) we'll determine if we make anymore (Probably as we have need for a few gifts coming up).

Anyways, As far as POPBox Boards go I CANNOT WAIT TO GET BACK MAKING THEM (They are so much more shiny and good looking than these outdoor games)!!!  Still planning on starting a 10 board mass production run (5-6 full sized 4 - 5 mini's) in September.  BIG Push before the holidays and hoping that we can sell 6 boards and donate 3!!  If demand goes up, we'll have to employ other workers (family is free, right?) and up the anty! 

Thanks for reading and hope your summer is awesome!! Might have a whole line of RIOT Outdoor wooden Games (POPBox Hockey is for the POBox boards really) near the end of the summer and definitely next spring!

See ya!

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